Monday, July 28, 2008

New Kids

Snorkel the Echidna
Billy the Joey

Another, older joey
Me with Billy!

Today was the first day of class.  I think this was the first day in 15 years of first days of school that I wasn't nervous out of my mind.  It's nice to know that I'm finally getting the hang of it all.  

I started the day off with Electromagnetic Theory, followed it with Robotics, and finished off after lunch with Signals and Systems.  So far I have no native English speaking professors.  Instead I have German, Arabic, and Chinese accents to augment my cultural experience.  I was secretly hoping that in Australia electrical engineering would be a hip and happening major with maybe more than a 10% female population.  I was disappointed, but not really surprised.  

Robotics was a little disappointing; instead of building robots, we're just going to model them with MATLAB.  However, there is another robotics class that sounds a little more interesting that I might try to switch into.  In the other class they're building robots that are supposed to navigate around a track using a GPS system.  

St. Thomas More College (my dorm) had a speed dating session tonight to help everyone get to know each other.  It sort of worked.  I saw a lot of faces, but now I'm mostly really hoarse.  About 45% of the college (dorm) is international, and about half of those are from Singapore.  The rest are Australian, and most of them come from the country.  I want to ask them what it's like to farm sheep, but I don't want them to think I'm too weird just yet.  

In the beginning are some pictures from our trip out to the bush on Saturday.  We saw two joeys, and echidna, a wallaby, and some falcons.  The video is of an echidna, and his name was Snorkel!  Australian wildlife is pretty impressive.  It's all really quirky.

That's all for now--


  1. I do not believe that that animal is real. The one in the video. the way it walks kind of reminds me of a penguin. I want one.

  2. it does walk weird. and yeah, e, you should bring it back and it can live in our room. do you think denise would like that? ooh, we drive her away from the life of rectressing with it!!!

  3. I think that thing would be the end of Sir Elton John. And if something were to happen to Sir Elton John I'm pretty sure Pablo would throw himself off the dome or something. You don't want to be responsible for two tragic ends, now do you?
    That said, I think we should all brainstorm (other) ways of driving Denise away. She's already tried and failed at being a nun, so I think our best option is to try and get her to marry her man as quickly as possible. Maybe we should sabotage her birth control.

  4. Elizabeth rocks.

    -Grace G
